15:29 / HD Video / 2015
Out of the darkness a sound emerges. It echoes and drones. Terrified people take to the streets in search of its source. They get their cameras out and document the sky, searching for an author. We watch on, sitting in darkness, our muscles contract and our pupils dilate. “I hope the camera picks this up”. “Sitting in Darkness” explores the circulation, spectatorship and undeclared politics of contemporary networked images.
EXiS, Seoul, KR, 2021
#093 Nuclear Aesthetics, IMPAKT Channel, Online, 2021
Frameless24, Munich, DE, 2020
16th Athens Digital Arts Festival, Athens, GR, 2020
Transmediale, Berlin, DE, 2019
Hyperlinked, Flatpack Festival, Birmingham, UK, 2019
Kurzfilmfestival Koln, Cologne, DE, 2019
After social networks. Practices, aesthetics and ethics of a content ecology generated by users, Université Paris 8,
Paris, FR, 2019
IMPAKT Festival 2018: Algorithmic Superstructures, Utrecht, NLD, 2018
FLAMIN Fellowship Screenings, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK, 2018
P2P, Herrmann Germann Conspirators, Zurich, CHE, 2018
Sonic Acts Festival: The Noise of Being, Amsterdam, NLD, 2017
Edge of Frame: After Nature (Part Two), London International Animation Festival, UK, 2017
Extracted & Circulated, Close-Up, London, UK, 2017
Memoirs Found in a Bathtub, Minibar Stockholm, Stockholm, SE, 2017
Homebody (four films by Graeme Arnfield), Nocturnal Reflections, Milan, ITA, 2017
Courtisane, Ghent, BE, 2016
Something Eerie, Signal Gallery, Malmö, SE, 2016
32nd Hamburg International Short Film Festival, Hamburg, DE, 2016
LUX Salon: Like slow breathing, it seemed to emanate from inside the walls, London, UK, 2016
Post-Internet I: Our Fetishistic Relationship with Technology,
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, Winterthur, CH, 2016
Artists’ Film Biennial: Open Call “Outside”, ICA, London, UK, 2016
POSTmatter: New Mythologies issue, Myths of Matter and Memory, 2016
Please Let Me Die Already, Kvit Galleri, Copenhagen, DK, 2016
Speeding and Braking: Navigating Acceleration Conference, Goldsmiths, London, UK, 2016
The Surf Club, Fotopub Festival, Novo Metso, SVN, 2016
OLHO Festival: Uncharted Lands, BR, 2016
In My Language, Soloway Gallery, New York, USA, 2016
Spectres of The Future, Visions, Montreal, CA, 2016
Modern Ruins and Future Ghosts, Surrey University, UK, 2016
Wondering Out of Time, Hastings and Brighton, UK, 2016
Vdrome #80, 13 – 26 October, 2015 (vdrome.org/graeme-arnfield-sitting-in-darkness/)
Spooky at a Distance, Green Gallery West, Milwaukee, USA, 31st October 2015
Kasseler Dokfest, Kassel, DE, 2015
Aesthetica Short Film Festival, York, UK, 2015
Studio Session: MA Experimental Film Screenings, ICA, UK, 2015

Installed at Signal, Malmö, Sweden, 2016